Comparing with the existing demand of “Beach houses” or “Hotels and Inns” the search of Lands in Morro de Sao Paulo and the neighboring villages of Gamboa, Garapua and Boipeba are by far the most significant.
Often potential buyers of houses or hotels became buyers of Lands because they don't find the properties they wanted and it get them to deal with construction. Others look for lands as an investment. Since 1985 the prices of the lands in Morro de Sao Paulo do not stop raising remarkably.
Later this phenomenon has expanded to the rest of the island and the neighboring islands. This is a comprehensible phenomenon, (a world-wide tendency), if we took into account that the ocean view land and mainly the ocean front lands are products that cannot be reproduced whereas its demand increases with the increase of the population. It is the well-known process of supply and demand. This is why the land investment, by the beach or ocean view, is so profitable.
Some lands offer more benefit that others, but it is always a good investment. Already, the tendency of valuation of internal lands is less pronounced. This phenomenon varies remarkably in each case since many investors with little or null information buy land every day for prices over the real price and because of this the valuation of the investment is delayed. All business must be based on the analysis and the comparison of all the information that can be obtained.
Morro Imoveis Real State has lots of information to offer you that, without no doubt, will help you with the success of your investment. Mark a free meeting with the Morro Imoveis team. (Phone: 00 55 75 3652 1509)
Remember that another factor very important to consider is that the situation of the properties' papers (titles, registers and others) in the Island is very precarious and bureaucratic and it will be very difficult to you to be able to adapt to such situation without knowing it.
If you think that closing a deal in an island in Bahia, Brazil is as easy as in a first world country you will have a great surprise.
Next we offer information about some lands available for purchase in Morro de Sao Paulo and its neighboring towns. Remember whenever that all the properties that we have available, are not available in our web site. You have to contact us for more information.